Consider before you click: What criminals can learn from your back to school photos

HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Before the first bell of the upcoming school year, law enforcement agencies and school districts across central Virginia want you to make sure you aren’t giving criminals your students’ private information.

The Henrico County Division of Police tells 8News back to school photos are a great way of making memories during back to school season, but warns that sharing too much information can put your child in harm’s way.

Karina Bolster of Henrico Police says sharing your student’s age, name, grade and even teacher’s name can allow criminals researching your child to find them easier.

“They could take that information and potentially use it against their child or even, you know, with the way internet sex crimes are these days. They could try and engage with your minor,” said Bolster. 

Where you decide to take your child’s back to school photo is important to keep in mind as well. Police do not advise that you stand in front of your home, school or car where your address, school name, or license plate is visible.

Instead, try picking a generic background and refrain from sharing any information that can compromise your student’s privacy. Bolster adds this safety message is something that should be considered year-round.

“Whether you’re posting about your children yourself. It’s really important that you protect that personal information,” said Bolster.

Now is also a great time to check the privacy settings on your social media accounts so that you are aware of what posts are private and public.

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