WASHINGTON—Opponents to Rep. Kevin McCarthy as a possible House speaker appear to be sticking to their efforts to deny him the role, as the Republican infighting casts a shadow over the Congressional term that kicks off on Tuesday with a new Republican majority.
Nor is that the only possible source of conflict, with GOP Rep.-elect George Santos of New York under investigation on multiple fronts after admitting to lies about everything from his education to his ancestry to his professional background.
The first official act of the House – before new members are sworn in – will be to select the speaker. McCarthy, R-Calif., is the likely successor to Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
But a closely divided House (222 Republicans/212 Democrats, with one vacancy) means opposition from a small faction of hardline Republicans could sink his ascension. Even delaying an ascension until a second ballot would leave McCarthy vulnerable to the most extreme elements of his party.
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Latest developments:
- The battle for speaker could drag on for days: The GOP can’t begin governing until a speaker is chosen — an otherwise ceremonial procedure that could make history this year and drag on for days. Hours before the voting begins, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy remains at odds with the most conservative flank of his part.
McCarthy allies, who vastly outnumber the “never Kevin” bloc, say they aren’t budging in supporting “only Kevin.” The impasse could lead to multiple rounds of voting for speaker, which could take days and hasn’t happened since 1923.
- Legislative gridlock: Democrats in the Senate will have a say as to which bills reach the floor for votes but will face challenges getting their agenda across the finish line in a Republican-controlled House.
On tap for week one:The new Congress will pick a speaker, potentially launch investigations and more
Republicans officially take House majority
The House has now gaveled in and Republicans have officially taken up the majority.
First orders of business: Taking roll of the new members and then voting on a new speaker – and it’s uncertain who it will be.
– Ken Tran
McCarthy: ‘I’m not going anywhere;’ willing to hang in for multiple ballots
One thing McCarthy did not do during his brief remarks to reporters Tuesday: He did not withdraw from the speaker’s race.
“I’m not going anywhere,” said McCarthy, who did pull out from a speaker’s race in 2015 when it appeared he lacked the votes to prevail.
This time around, McCarthy said he is prepared to go through several ballots if necessary, saying opponents should not be rewarded for making unreasonable demands.
Some opponents are working “for themselves,” and not for “the country,” he added.
– David Jackson
House speaker vote to begin soon
Voting is slated to begin shortly after noon as House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy tries to outlast his detractors in his bid for speaker, a position he has wanted for years.
It’s a role he didn’t have enough votes to win a half hour before the new Congress was scheduled to be gaveled in by the House clerk.
McCarthy said he will not bow out, signaling there could be multiple ballot votes for the first time in 100 years and it could take many hours — or even days — before a new speaker is elected.
— Candy Woodall
Republican lawmaker announces vote against McCarthy
North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop publicly shared in a statement that he “will not be supporting the status quo,” in another setback to McCarthy’s chances at securing the speakership.
“Kevin McCarthy is not the right candidate to be Speaker,” Bishop said in a statement on Twitter. “He has perpetuated the Washington status quo that makes this body one of the most unsuccessful and unpopular institutions in the country.”
— Ken Tran
Beyond the speaker vote:What can Congress do about Rep.-elect George Santos, who lied ahead of winning his election?
McCarthy: Gaetz, other critics are willing to let Hakeem Jeffries become speaker
Saying his opponents have no plan of their own, McCarthy said some Republican critics are even willing to let House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries become speaker of a House with a GOP majority.
McCarthy singled out one of his most vocal critics, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
“Matt Gaetz said, ‘I don’t care if we go to plurality and we elect Hakeem Jeffries,'” McCarthy said.
– David Jackson
GOP power struggle before vote
The power struggle within the fractured House Republican caucus reached a pinnacle an hour before a contentious vote for speaker.
Allies of Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California raised their voices in the basement halls of the Capitol, calling out his detractors as selfish politicians who are acting in their own interest and not that of the country.
More than a dozen conservative members who oppose McCarthy left a Tuesday morning meeting saying nothing has changed, despite the House GOP leader’s multiple attempts in two months to cajole his right flank into supporting him.
— Candy Woodall
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘I am furious’
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., one of the House GOP conference’s most conservative members and a McCarthy supporter, told reporters Tuesday she is “furious” about Republican opposition to McCarthy’s bid for speaker.
Greene said on Monday night that three members of the House Freedom Caucus were “demanding positions for themselves, demanding gavel positions, demanding subcommittees, demanding for people to be taken off committees and people to be put on committees.”
The Georgia Republican has positioned herself as a McCarthy ally and has been attempting to serve as a bridge between the conference’s most conservative and more moderate lawmakers.
— Ken Tran

Explained:What happens if McCarthy can’t get votes needed for speaker? Here’s how the election works
Gaetz: McCarthy is the “biggest alligator” in “the swamp”
As the vote approaches, it doesn’t sound like Kevin McCarthy’s opponents are backing down – and they still have the votes to block his election as Speaker.
Rep, Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and other opponents told a brief news conference that McCarthy is refusing to pursue fundamental change, and Gaetz sought to illustrate his point with an aquatic metaphor.
“If you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise,” Gaetz said. “I am a Florida man, and I know of what I speak.”
– David Jackson

What can Congress do about Rep.-elect George Santos?
George Santos will likely be sworn in as a freshman congressman from New York on Tuesday, but there are questions about how long and whether he should remain in office.
The newly elected Republican admitted last week to lying to voters about his resume, including his personal and professional experiences, and said he still intends to take office in the new 118th Congress.
Nick LaLota, a fellow newly elected House Republican from New York, said in a statement last week, “a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required. New Yorkers deserve the truth, and House Republicans deserve an opportunity to govern without this distraction.”
Read the rest here:What can Congress do about Rep.-elect George Santos, who lied ahead of winning his election?
— Candy Woodall
House member: ‘Nothing’s changed’
Rep. Bob Good of Virginia left a Republican caucus meeting and told reporters, “Nothing’s changed.” Good is one of a group of “Never Kevin” Republicans who have vowed not to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California as speaker.
The opposition from that group has complicated what is normally a smooth and quick process. Good’s pronouncement came less than 90 minutes before the official start of the new Congress.
— Candy Woodall

McCarthy opponents not blinking as Speaker vote nears
Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., tweeted a statement saying McCarthy has worked too often against conservative goals, from a balanced budget to a stringent border plan (items that McCarthy supporters say are impossible because of Democratic numbers in Congress).
“Kevin McCarthy had an opportunity to be Speaker of the House,” Perry said. “He rejected it.”
Over the weekend, Perry promoted a letter of criticism of McCarthy signed by nine House Republicans – more than enough to deprive him of the majority the would-be speaker needs to prevail and possibly leading to a days-long struggle for GOP leadership.
– David Jackson
Meanwhile: Mitch McConnell becomes longest-serving Senate leader in history
While McCarthy struggles to become House Speaker, Senate counterpart Mitch McConnell enjoys smooth sailing into history this week – he becomes the longest serving party leader in Senate history.
McConnell surpasses Sen. Mike Mansfield, D-Montana, who served as Democratic leader from 1961 to 1977.
One downside for McConnell: He is still minority leader because the Republicans failed to win a Senate majority in last year’s elections.
Former President Donald Trump and other conservatives – including outspoken opponents of McCarthy – had wanted to depose McConnell, but he easily beat back a challenge from Florida senator Rick Scott.
Also: McConnell has an interesting way to mark his record-setting week: He will spend time Wednesday with President Joe Biden, who is traveling to Kentucky for an infrastructure event.
– David Jackson
Who controls what in the 118th Congress?
Republicans secured control of the House following the 2022 midterms by winning 222 seats. Democrats won 212 seats. There is one vacancy due to the recent death of Virginia Democrat Donald McEachin.
In the Senate, Democrats have a narrower lead with 48 Democrats, 49 Republicans and three independents – two of whom/align themselves with Democrats, giving the party 50 Senate votes.
Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who announced last month she will be leaving the Democratic party and registering as an independent, said she will not caucus with Republicans but has not indicated if she will join her independent colleagues.
Democrats will still be able to break 50-50 ties with Vice President Kamala Harris, who can cast deciding votes in her role as Senate president.
– Rachel Looker
A new committee focused on China
Among priorities in the new Congress: China.
Earlier in December, McCarthy announced that Republicans will be establishing a new select committee on China with Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, a former Marine and intelligence officer, at the helm as chairman.
“The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest geopolitical threat of our lifetime.” McCarthy said in a statement.
Growing competition with China has drawn bipartisan interest from Democrats and Republicans, and Gallagher has a history of working with Democrats on policy aimed at increasing competitiveness with China.
— Ken Tran
What’s happening with committees?
Back in control of House committees, Republicans have already announced several matters they plan to investigate, including Hunter Biden and COVID-19 spending. House speaker hopeful Rep. Kevin McCarthy has also vowed to use the position to keep certain Democrats off of committees.
Senate Democrats gained more power in committees with Sen. Raphael Warnock’s win in Georgia last December. They have a chance to keep this edge despite Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s split from the party shortly after, as the Arizona Senator said at that time she plans to caucus with Democrats and maintain her committee positions.
– Savannah Kuchar