Despite a few days of rain and snow in the North Iowa region, it seems more than just geese have made their way north for spring.
Clear Lake residents have reported seeing a large reptile moving throughout town, interrupting traffic. One woman saw the animal walking through Main Street.
“I was trying to help my people close down K&B Emporium here. I went to lock the door and here it comes, walking down the street. We were all standing here like, what!”
Some employees denied seeing the animal, but Clear Lake Police Department reported multiple calls on the animal making its way through Clear Lake last night.
“We had five calls about it last night. One lady on South Shore Drive called and said it was blocking her car in at home” said Police Chief Roth. “Her dog was outside at the time and had run away. We’ve got eyes out for both animals now.”
One man tracked the animal all the way down to the lake, where it seems to be residing.
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“I was taking my afternoon stroll, just walking across the park when I saw it walking across the street ahead of me and down to the access dock. I couldn’t believe my eyes! After pinching myself I looked back, and all I saw was a splash, and the water move as it swam away.”
In this photo illustration, the Clear Lake Monster peeks out of the lake near where a resident saw him jump in earlier that day.
Other residents in the area have reported strange sounds coming from underneath the public dock. One said he heard a hissing that was too guttural to be a cat, and it’s growl was too deep to be a dog. But when he flashed a light underneath the dock, there was nothing there.

Residents heard hissing and growling coming from underneath the dock, but never saw what it came from.
Fishermen venturing onto the lake in this weather have reported their lines being snapped as they reeled in their catch, presuming it now to be the Clear Lake monster stealing their fish.
Iowa DNR is still tracking down how an animal of this magnitude made its way north to Clear Lake, but it is likely a resident had been keeping this reptile as a pet.
“You know it’s a real shame when people take on animals like these as pets. When they’re small, it can be easy to take care of them. But as they grow… well some people can’t handle the responsibility. Then it’s up to us to capture them and bring them somewhere safe.”
As of yet, DNR conservation officers believe this reptile continues to evade capture in Clear Lake. It is unknown how large the animal is, and whether it is truly a danger to residents.
Officers advise staying out of the lake until the reptile has been captured, saying, “It’s April 1st, anyone would be a fool to get into the water.”
The Globe Gazette wishes everybody a happy spring this April Fool’s Day.
Rae Burnette is a GA and Crime & Courts Reporter at the Globe Gazette. You can reach her by phone at 641.421.0523 or at