Clayton fire chief John Pridemore honored by town, state at funeral

Near the end of the funeral for Clayton Fire Chief John Pridemore Tuesday, Deputy Chief Jeff Lightcap used an emergency radio to report the final call for the chief, to sound the siren.

There was a long pause before the siren blew as if the firehouse wasn’t ready to let the chief go – a feeling shared by hundreds of firefighters, first responders, family and friends attending the service.

Clayton Deputy Fire Chief Jeff Lightcap (right) radios in the final call, to sound the fire siren for Chief John Pridemore at the funeral service Tuesday, March 15, 2022. At left is Rev. Richarld Walton, Clayton Fire Company chaplain.

Pridemore, 54, died in service to the fire company, leading a firehouse cleanup on March 7. He was in a scissor lift that was knocked over when the electric garage door went up. Pridemore fell about 25 feet. He was flown by a state police helicopter to Christiana Hospital but died the next day.

Scenes from inside the funeral services of Clayton Fire Chief John Pridemore Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

The firefighters said the cleaning project was an example of how Pridemore led from the front.

“He wouldn’t say, ‘Mop the floor.’ He would start mopping and the members would gravitate to him and follow what he was doing,” said Kevin Wilson, the fire company’s public information officer and a close friend of Pridemore.

Wilson said their two families would vacation together.

“He loved to fish, hunt, be on his boat and go to the beach,” said Wilson.

Originally from Illinois, Pridemore enjoyed how close his home in Clayton was to the coast.

John Pridemore was the Clayton fire chief and town manager

Fire company chaplain Rev. Richard Walton joked that Pridemore’s one “failing” was his allegiance to his childhood sports teams in Illinois, the Chicago Bears and the Cubs.

Walton led the funeral service which was attended by town, county and state government officials including Gov. John Carney and Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long.

He told the Pridemore family, “Once there’s a firefighter in your family, your family expands exponentially….We are all family. We grieve, we celebrate with you. When there’s a need, we’re available.”

First responders arrive for the funeral services to remember Clayton Fire Department Chief John Pridemore Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at Clayton Fire House.

Pridemore was Walton’s fire service training partner when Walton joined the company.

“John is special to us all,” Walton said. “His humility and his leadership go hand in hand…He never asked anyone to do anything he wasn’t prepared to do first.”

The chaplain quoted lyrics from a contemporary Christian song by Casting Crowns: “If I had only known the last time would be the last time, I would’ve put off all the things I had to do. I would’ve stayed a little longer, held on a little tighter. Now what I’d give for one more day with you.”

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