Chesapeake, Virginia police on Friday released the full text of a “Death note” found on the phone of Walmart manager Andre Bing, the person accused of killing six people at the store where he worked.
Bing then turned the 9mm handgun used in the shooting on himself, police say.
What follows is the full text of the manifesto published by police.
Chesapeake, Virginia police say a manifesto was found on the phone of Andre Bing, a Walmart manager accused of killing six people in the store where he worked.
(Chesapeake, Virginia Police)
Sorry God I’ve failed you, this was not your fault but my own. I failed to listen to the groans of the holy spirit which made me a poor representation of You. I was harassed by idiots with low intelligence and a lack of wisdom I remained strong through most of the torment but my dignity was completely taken away beyond repair by my phone getting hacked.
I can’t say that they were the only ones that lacked intelligence and wisdom. I was just as guilty and failed my management team and everyone that ever loved me by convincing them that I was normal. [REDACTED] and the associates orcastraighted [sic] it they laughed and made subtle code speeches which I eventually figured out. I thought [REDACTED] was my friend but he betrayed me, betrayal is one of the worst feelings next to regret.

Andre Bing, 31, is believed to have killed six people inside the Virginia Walmart where he was employed before killing himself, authorities said.
(Chesapeake Police Department)
They laughed at me and said that I was like Jeffrey Dahmer. I would have never killed anyone that entered my home.
A few months back I had overheard [REDACTED] talking to [REDACTED] and he told me that he had been trying to get rid of me since day one. After I heard that I lashed out. The associates gave me evil twisted grins, mocked me and celebrated my down fall the last day. That’s why they suffer the same fate as me.
[REDACTED] from maintenance was emanating with the holy spirit which I could feel, people thought that she was crazy for walking out but unlike me she actually listened to the holy spirit like [REDACTED] [REDACTED] knew that they were antagonizing me so one day she approached me in personnel and apologized to me. On her last day she looked me in the eyes terrified by a demonic aura.
My true intent was never to murder anyone believe it or not, I was actually one of the most loving people in the world if you would get to know me. I just wanted a wife that was equally yoked as I and obsessed over the thought; however, I didn’t deserve a wife.
I hope that people will learn from everyones mistakes and truly love God and not the material possessions of the world.
My only wish would have been to start over from scratch and that my parents would have paid closer attention to my social deficits. Sorry [SAD FACE EMOJI] everyone but I did not plan this I promise things just fell in place like I was led by the Satan. I have written songs in the past though. I only did it when I realized that my phone was hacked and was giving the worst feeling imaginable. I wish that I could have saved everyone from myself.
I will spare [REDACTED] because I have a special place for her in my [HEART] because my mother died from cancer. Please [REDACTED] let everyone know that bitter seed apricots are the cure for cancer and not the Dr.
My God forgive me for what I’m going to do…