Cat birth control through gene therapy injection shows promise: Study

Cute cat siting on window sill and waiting for something. Fluffy pet looks in window.

For our feline companions, the vast outdoors offer tantalizing temptations beyond the occasional avian snack.

Their lives outdoors are dangerous ones where the threat of infectious diseases and larger predators constantly loom. But when given the chance, cats — whether strays or domesticated pets whose owners allow them to roam free — will, well, breed.

While 71% of the estimated 80 million pet cats in the U.S. are kept indoors, the Humane Society of the United States estimates there are still anywhere from 30 to 40 million stray or feral cats in the country.

They often live in poor conditions and, due to their predatorial instincts, inflict harm on the local wildlife. Those who find their way to an animal shelter face the additional threat of euthanasia, a sad method for controlling the population.

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