Cannabis help in preventing Covid? Viral study offers no evidence: Report

A recent study which stated that cannabis compounds offer prevention from the virus that causes Covid immediately went viral. The study mentioned how researchers from Oregon State University identified two compounds namely, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). These compounds could help in blocking the virus. 

As soon as the study was published, it garnered tons of attention. There were also instances where people jumped to conclusions suggesting that weed could help in fighting the pandemic, something which the authors of the study did not claim.

However, a recent report published by Forbes talks about how the findings need to be confirmed and there is no concrete evidence so far. Dr Mikael Sodergren, from Imperial College London’s medical cannabis research group, while speaking to Forbes said that it is “not unconventional” to identify drug candidates.

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He deemed the results as interesting and warned that the findings need confirmation in animal models and testings on humans in clinical trials. As per Dr Mikael, the data provided by the study did not prove that cannabis compounds can prevent Covid infection in humans. 

He was quoted by Forbes as saying that it provides “no evidence to support the smoking or ingestion of cannabis products to do the same.” 

(With inputs from agencies)

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