British Airways cooked up armed robbery story to cover up drugs and alcohol-fuelled night

British Airways crew members have been accused of cooking up an armed robbery in Rio de Janeiro to cover up a wild night of drugs and alcohol, The Independent, citing Brazilian police. 

The Brazilian officials, just one of the offences described by the trio occurred, and that the group proceeded to an abandoned petrol station near a Rio settlement to take drugs. 

As quoted, the police said: “After field investigation and intelligence work, data crossing and image analysis, the Special Tourism Support Delegation (Deat) found that three flight attendants from an English company, who reported having been robbed in September this year lied in their testimony when recording the incident.” 

“According to Deat, of the various crimes reported by the trio, only one occurred, after a late night in which they consumed drugs and alcohol and went to an abandoned gas station, close to a community in Rio, where they continued their drug use. The trio are being investigated for falsely reporting a crime,” the added. 

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