Biden wants Republicans to get their ‘act together’ on House speaker voting

President Joe Biden has commented for the first time as the House speaker election remains in a logjam. Biden took a shot at the Republicans and said they needed to ‘get their act together’. 

“This is not a good look. It’s not a good thing. This is the United States of America, and I hope they get their act together,” said Biden before adding, “The rest of the world is looking.”

“How do you think this looks to the rest of the world? We’re finally coming out of – the first time we’re getting through the whole issue relating to January 6.”

The Republican-led House of Representatives could not elect the speaker on Tuesday after Republican nominee Kevin McCarthy was stalled by a rebel group of far-right party men. 

McCarthy became the only political leader in a century – the first since the Civil War to lose the opening three rounds of the ballot to become the House speaker. After McCarthy’s colleagues pulled their vote, a chaotic House was forced to be adjourned. 

As of the last update, the House gathered on Wednesday where McCarthy once again lost in the fourth ballot. 

McCarthy needs to win 218 votes of the full House to become the speaker and replace former Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi. Usually, the speaker is elected much before the official voting. However, the conservatives of the party are staunchly against McCarthy and have used the razor thin majority in the House to their advantage. 

Meanwhile, former present Donald Trump lent his weight behind McCarthy by taking to Truth Social and penning a supporting message. 

Republicans, do not turn a great triumph into a giant and embarrassing defeat,” Trump posted on his Truth Social website Wednesday morning. “It’s time to celebrate. You deserve it. Kevin McCarthy will do a good job, and maybe even a great job – just watch!” wrote Trump. 

Despite the majority of the rebels being Trump supporters, it is highly unlikely that McCarthy is going to witness a change of heart amongst the lot. 

(With inputs from agencies)

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