Biden unveils migration plan on the last day of Americas summit

US President Joe Biden on Friday unveiled new set of measures to address regional migration crisis. The unveiling happened during the Ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. 

Twenty countries joined Biden for ceremonial unveiling but several others stayed away.

On the final day of the summit, the White House promoted a series of migrant programs agreed by countries in Western Hemisphere. However, media reports said that experts are skeptical as to effectiveness of the measures to create significant difference in the migration issue.

The measures include the US and Canada committing to take in more guest labourers, providing pathways for people from poorer countries to work in richer ones, and other countries agreeing to greater protections for migrants. Mexico also agreed to accept more Central American workers, according to a White House statement.

“We’re transforming our approach to manage migration in the Americas,” Biden said. “Each of us is signing up to commitments that recognizes the challenges we all share.”

The flags of 20 countries, several fewer than the number attending the summit in all, festooned the stage where Biden led the rollout. But even that number was only achieved after days of U.S. pressure.

It was another sign of tensions that have marred the summit, undermining Biden’s efforts to reassert U.S. leadership and counter China’s growing economic footprint in the region.

(With inputs from agencies)

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