Beech Grove mayor calls for change after Texas school shooting

BEECH GROVE, Ind. (WISH) — Dennis Buckley, the mayor of Beech Grove, wants people to press their lawmakers to take action following Tuesday’s shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

In a statement released Thursday, Buckley asked the public to hold elected officials accountable for what he called “commonsense gun legislation.”

“Once again, our nation stands in shock as we mourn yet another senseless massacre at the hands of a young man with assault weapons,” Buckley said. “Today, we pray for the families whose children were murdered in school, the one place where our children should be safe.”

Buckley continued:

“It’s far past time that our elected officials in Washington, D.C. and state capitols do something to stop this violence. If those we elect to office decide not to take action, then the public should vote them out. I don’t understand why an 18-year-old can buy a weapon of mass destruction but still can’t buy cigarettes and alcohol. This has to change.”

The mayor finished by saying his heart and the hearts of those in his office go out to the families in Uvalde.

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