At least one killed, three injured after Hezbollah attacks northern Israel; Israeli army ‘isolates area’

At least one person was killed and three others were injured after Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah launched missiles at a northern Israeli border village on Sunday (Oct 15), said the Israeli medics. The Shiite militant group backed by Iran later confirmed its role in the anti-tank guided missile attacks which reportedly began in the morning.

Attacks in northern Israel

According to Israeli media, Hezbollah launched at least five anti-tank guided missiles at the northern town of Shtula, a farming community, which is opposite the Lebanese community of Ayta a-Shab.

The strike has since prompted the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) to respond with countermeasures against targets in Lebanon and declared a zone within four kilometres of the Lebanese border off-limits to public access saying that it is “isolating the area”. 

“The IDF stresses that entering the area is strictly prohibited and asks the public to be vigilant and not enter the area,” said the Israeli army in a statement.

Israeli residents in Manara, Yiftah, Margaliot, and Ramot Naftali were ordered to remain in bomb shelters until further notice following the recent attack, reported Times of Israel. 

Meanwhile, the Iran-backed militant group said that it struck Israel in retaliation for separate “Israeli aggressions” that killed two civilians and struck a group of journalists, killing a Reuters videographer and wounding at least six others. 

The IDF also reported that a second missile targeted a nearby military post. 

Subsequently, a third missile was fired at a group of Israeli troops operating on the Lebanon border, said the IDF. However, the Iran-backed group said that the third missile attack targeted an Israeli tank.

A fourth and fifth attack was also reported by the IDF which said that their military posts near Lebanon came under fire due to these anti-tank guided missiles. 

In an update, the IDF also said that nine rockets were fired from Lebanon out of which the Israeli military’s Iron Dome system intercepted five rockets. “IDF is currently striking the launchsite in Lebanon,” it added. 

This comes amid fears that a second front could open up as Israel is in the midst of preparing for a ground operation in Gaza against the Palestinian militant group Hamas over a week after it launched a surprise attack in southern Israel which has led to more than 1,300 deaths in  Israel and over 2,300 in Gaza. 

About the victims 

The Israeli Magen David Adom ambulance service said its medics said that a man in his 40s was dead at the scene in Shtula after the Hezbollah attack on Sunday morning. 

Meanwhile, three more men in their 40s – two in moderate condition and one in good condition – were taken to the hospital. 

According to Israeli media reports, the first missile by the Lebanon-based group struck a construction site in Shtula on Sunday morning where one civilian was killed. 

‘Not interested’: Israel about war on border with Lebanon

Following the recent attacks from Lebanon, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel is not interested in having a war on its northern frontier with Lebanon. “We have no interest in a war in the north, we don’t want to escalate the situation,” Gallant said in a video released by his office. 

He added, “If Hezbollah chooses the path of war, it will pay a very heavy price…But if it restrains itself, we’ll respect the situation and keep things the way they are, despite them being in a process of shooting from both sides.”

UN peacekeeper’s HQ in southern Lebanon hit

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon said its headquarters was struck by a rocket in the southern town of Naqoura amid exchanges of fire on the border with Israel.

“Our headquarters in Naqoura was hit with a rocket and we are working to verify from where. Our peacekeepers were not in shelters at the time. Fortunately, no one was hurt,” said the UNIFIL in a statement. 

(With inputs from agencies) 

Disclaimer: WION takes utmost care to accurately and responsibly report ongoing developments on the Israel-Palestine conflict after the Hamas attacks. However, we cannot independently verify the authenticity of all statements, photos and videos.

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