The Delaware Children’s Museum is a great place for families and young children to explore and play.
The DCM’s visiting hours are Wednesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with special open hours for evening events and all holiday Mondays.
This summer, the DCM is encouraging families to visit the museum to enjoy their many “cool” STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activities, programs and events; exhibits filled with playful learning experiences: and to view a brand new, inspirational mural, “The World Needs You,” created by artist Jarret “Posi” Harris, who embodies positivity and creativity.
“‘The World Needs You’ is something I say every day,” says Harris. “It is my daily affirmation that reassures me of my purpose, which is to push humanity forward in a positive light. It has become my life motto along with ‘Change your mindset, change your life,’ ‘Walk tall in your purpose’ and ‘Be the best you.’”
The installation of the “The World Needs You” mural is the result of a collaboration between the Delaware Children’s Museum and its Riverfront neighbor, The Delaware Contemporary. The two organizations have partnered together to offer an entire “Summer of Play,” which includes a conference, events, activities, and installations that champion the value and importance of play.
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“It has been a privilege for The Delaware Contemporary to partner with the Delaware Children’s Museum to bring Wilmington a ‘Summer of Play.’ ” said Leslie Shaffer, executive director of The Delaware Contemporary. “We are two institutions with very different missions and audiences, but we came together because we both believe that museums can play a significant role in the development and well-being of healthy communities.
“Through our collaborative conference, exhibitions, and events, we pushed out a dialogue on accessing ‘play’ and the lifelong developmental significance for engagement with play. It is our hope that we will inspire our friends and neighbors to consider and to take action,” Shaffer continued.
Play is an important cornerstone in childhood, healing, and communities.
Jean Piaget said, “Play is the work of childhood.”
Mr. Rogers elaborates on this statement by saying, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.”
Maria Montessori said, “There is no distinction between work and play from the child’s perspective.”
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Multiple studies point to the positive impacts of play: It causes us to release endorphins, improves brain function, and stimulates creativity at every age.
The summer-long program between the Delaware Children’s Museum and The Delaware Contemporary began June 10 with a sold-out, one-day conference held at The Delaware Contemporary looking at the topic of play from multiple perspectives: parent, educator and social worker. The culminating celebration, “End of Summer Bash,” will be held at the DCM on Friday, Aug. 12, from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission is $5 for guests and free to DCM members.
Guests can view the new mural and meet the artist, Posi; release a soda geyser outside; view DCM’s 19-foot Earth Balloon; and engage in earth science and sensory activities. Mark your calendar to attend, as this event promises to be filled with plenty of playful learning!

The World Needs You, and the DCM needs you, too. To continue to provide new programs, events, and exhibits — the DCM needs the community’s support.
While the museum has bounced back after its building was closed for over 16 months during the pandemic, it needs your support to continue to offer new experiences and attractions like Posi’s mural that will continue to engage visitors and keep them returning.
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Yearlong memberships with great member perks are easy to purchase and allow families to come back again and again, playing, and learning together as often as they like. The DCM is also excited to announce that its popular birthday party program has been updated and will once again be available fall 2022.
Please consider supporting the DCM by visiting the museum, attending a special event, booking a field trip or camp trip, purchasing a membership or gift card, buying an item from the DCM’s retail store, or donating money via DCM’s website to cover inflating expenses.
In Delaware, we take pride in being a “state of neighbors.” The Delaware Children’s Museum and The Delaware Contemporary are proud to be neighbors and proud to support one another. The Delaware Children’s Museum is the only children’s museum in Delaware, and The Delaware Contemporary is the only contemporary art museum in Delaware – two great places to visit this summer and throughout the year!
Jennifer Bush is executive director of the Delaware Children’s Museum.