Archives on murder of Gandhi, space shuttle Columbia explosion

“Pages of history” features excerpts from The News Journal archives including the Wilmington Morning News, The Morning News, the Evening Journal and the Journal – Every Evening.

Jan. 30, 1936, Wilmington Morning News

Ice halts traffic in rivers, canal

Ice, 12 inches thick at some points, brought water traffic virtually to a standstill in the waterways in this area yesterday.

Near Elkton, four boats and a barge are held fast. The freighter Albany, with 400 tons of sugar aboard and towing a barge with 500 tons of sugar, has been stuck in the Elk River, seven miles from Chesapeake City, since last Thursday.

The crushing ice has opened seams in the vessel. Yesterday, as the ship’s supply of fuel oil ran low in the continuous pumping to keep water from reaching the cargo, fear was felt that the sugar might be lost.

Hurried arrangements were made with a Wilmington concern to rush fuel to Town Point from where it will be taken on sleds across the ice to the beleaguered freighter. Nine men aboard the boat have been buying supplies and coal from farmers along the shore for the past several days….

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