Approval ratings of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky falls amid Russia conflict

The approval ratings of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has fallen down amid conflict with Russia.

“The biggest risk for Ukraine and the biggest risk for the sovereignty of our state … is destabilization within our state,” Zelensky said.

But Ukrainians have little confidence that Zelenskyy can ensure that stability. According to a poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, only 30 per cent of the country’s people want Zelenskyy to run for a second term and even fewer, 23 per cent, would vote for him.

Zelinsky initially made his name in Ukraine as a comic actor portraying on television a teacher who inadvertently becomes president after railing against corruption.

Ukraine’s next parliamentary election will be held in 2023 and all opinion polls show that the ruling pro-presidential Servant of the People party may lose control of parliament. This would complicate Zelenskyy’s ambitions for another term in 2024, so the political landscape could change drastically.

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Although Russia has massed tens of thousands of troops near Ukraine’s borders, Zelenskiy has repeatedly pushed back against warnings by the United States and other NATO allies that Russia could attack Ukraine at any moment.

There are currently nearly 250,000 people in Ukraine’s armed forces, which are vastly outnumbered and outgunned by Russia’s.

NATO member states have rallied round Ukraine in recent weeks, with the United States, Britain and Poland among countries offering military aid and calling for tough sanctions on Moscow if Russia launches an attack.

Moscow has denied any plans to invade Ukraine but has demand sweeping security guarantees from the West, including a promise that Kyiv can never join NATO.

(With inputs from agencies)

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