‘Apple unfairly shielded its pay wallets’: EU’s antitrust case

The European Union on Monday accused Apple of blocking its rivals from its “tap-as-you-go” payment system.

In a move seen as a new front in the battle on mobile payment, the European Union said the phone giant “excluded others from the game” as it “unfairly shielded its Apple Pay wallets from competition”.

The block emphasised that it is a “preliminary conclusion” and proved that it would mean the US company “abused” its position in the market which is illegal.

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The European Commission accused iPhone of blocking competitors from procuring hardware and software while trying to “benefit” Apple Pay as it restricted access to its NFC chip technology.

“We have indications that Apple restricted third-party access to key technology necessary to develop rival mobile wallet solutions on Apple’s devices,” EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager said.

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Apple could be fined heavily by the EU if the charges are proven.

The anti-trust regulator said it has sent its objections to Apple as the company defended its position saying that Apple Pay is “one of many options” for consumers and that it had ensured equal access to NFC as it allowed “industry-leading standards for privacy and security” even as it asserted that it would work continue to work with the EU body.

(With inputs from Agencies)

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