Amid energy crisis in Europe, France-Algeria declare ‘new era’ of co-operation

French President Emmanuel Macron and Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Saturday declared “new, irreversible dynamic of progress” between the two countries. The pact concluded Macron’s Algeria visit that was aimed at alleviating months of tensions between the nations.

The three-day visit comes less than two months after Algeria marked six decades of independence following 132 years of French rule and a devastating eight-year war.

Macron’s visit was also significant as it came amid European scramble to secure energy as Russia squeezes supply. Algeria is Africa’s top gas exporter. With pact with France, Algeria is looking to expand its clout in North Africa and in the Sahel region.

In their joint declaration on Saturday, the two leaders said “France and Algeria have decided to open a new era … laying the foundation for a renewed partnership expressed through a concrete and constructive approach, focused on future projects and youth.”

At the signing ceremony, Algerian President Tebboune addressed Macron in French during which, he hailed Macron’s visit as “excellent, successful visit… which  allowed for a rapprochement which wouldn’t have been possible without the personality of President Macron himself.”

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Ties between Paris and Algiers have seen repeated crises over the years.

They had been particularly cool since last year when Macron questioned Algeria’s existence as a nation before the French occupation and accused the government of fomenting “hatred towards France”.

Tebboune withdrew his country’s ambassador in response and banned French military aircraft from its airspace.

Normal diplomatic relations have since resumed, along with overflights to French army bases in sub-Saharan Africa.

(With inputs from agencies)

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