A group of vegan campaigners plans to block milk supply in Britain for two weeks

Demanding a switch to plant-based dairy alternatives, a group of vegan campaigners is threatening to block the supply of milk in Britain. Up to 500 activists reportedly are set to take part in plans to block dairy depots over two weeks. Protest group Animal Rebellion, which is an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, plans to promote its vegan agenda through this move.

The group warned, “People are prepared to do whatever it non-violently takes, and that includes prison.”

If they are able to successfully block the supply of milk, it would lead to a nationwide shortage of milk and sky-rocketing prices. Ash Amirahmadi of Arla Foods UK said, “Anything that adds to the cost of business will end up adding to costs for customers.” He further added that they have sought the police and government’s help to ensure the supply isn’t hampered.

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This is not the first instance of a vegan group going to extreme lengths to get their demands fulfilled. Last month, activists from Animal Rebelllion went to Harrods department store in Knightsbridge and poured milk all over the floor and had to be forcibly removed by security.


The milk protest did not impress the vegans at all, with a lot of them taking to social media to register their anger over the actions. Some of them said that the whole ploy is “detrimental rather than helpful” and makes them look like “hypocrites”.

Other Twitter users were angry with the act of spilling the milk saying that it only made a mess for the customers, posed a safety threat for the disabled and added to the troubles of the staff who would have had to clean the milk off the floors. 

In the video of the protest which took place on July 27, the group is seen walking up to the milk section of the Food Hall in Harrods and pouring the milk out of the cartons onto the floor. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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