‘Long national nightmare’ still lingers

Samuel B. Hoff

The CNN Watergate documentary, narrated by former White House counsel John Dean, was timed for the mid-century acknowledgment of the June 17, 1972 break-in that changed the course of American politics.  While it conveyed new information about the scandal, the corrosive impact of Watergate has continued.

Among the first-time or revised tidbits emanating from Watergate: Blueprint for a Scandal were Dean’s revelations that the Watergate burglars actually tried to breach the Democratic National headquarters three times rather than two. Further, Dean relates a meeting with Arizona senator Barry Goldwater in which the senator encouraged his testimony against President Ricard Nixon’s claims that he knew nothing about the break-in at the DNC. Later, Dean recounts the meeting between Nixon and several GOP senators in August 1974 which led to Nixon’s resignation,  noting that Goldwater told the president he could only count on five senators to vote against his removal once impeached; most retelling of that meeting has Goldwater counting twelve supporters.

However, other factors of the Watergate scandal remain apparent. Among those is the damaging impact that the scandal has wrought on the American presidency. It seems that there have been cycles of congressional activism and acquiescence toward the chief executive. In the immediate aftermath of the scandal, we witnessed a plethora of laws such at the War Powers Act, Budget Control and Impoundment Act, National Emergencies Act and Independent Counsel Act. Later, the pendulum shifted from fears of an imperial presidency to that of an imperiled one, and the reins were loosened. But subsequent major investigations of domestic and foreign policy matters alike have at times crippled the White House and its occupant. Further, the invocation of executive privilege — determined by the U.S. Supreme Court to be a valid constitutional tool in certain instances — has been cheapened by how many of Nixon’s successors abused it to hide illicit behavior.

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