Wichita woman collects loads of basic necessities, needs help shipping them to her hometown in Ukraine


WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) – It’s still hard for Galyna Golyshevska to talk about the brutal war she sees her friends and family going through every day in Ukraine, her home country.

“To imagine the parent, or the mama, who lost her child, like, two days ago… I feel it. I don’t want to, but I feel it. I can’t imagine what a person would feel when, like, grow up with the child and you will never see it again,” said Golyshevska.

After feeling helpless being so far away in Wichita, she decided to fight back in the only way she knew how.

“It’s about 100 pounds of shoes, 100 pounds of pants, hundreds of jackets,” said Golyshevska.

Golyshevska was able to collect donations of nearly 700 pounds worth of necessities like baby food, diapers, warm clothes and medications to send to orphanages in her hometown that are in desperate need of help.

“A lot of the stuff was donated by the people. Just by the regular people,” said Golyshevska.

Some of the stuff I get donated by the churches, because I was showing up and I’m saying like, we need to have this, this, this… Like diapers, baby foods… Nobody knows how it’s going to be,” she said.

But then, Golyshevska ran into a big roadblock – she had no idea how expensive it would be to ship so much stuff overseas.

“It’s very expensive,” she said.

“My go-fund goal is $3,000. We need more, $3,000 is just the goal,” she said.

Golyshevska started a GoFundMe hoping to raise the funds she needs to get this humanitarian aid to the areas that need it most, where there are lots of refugees and children.

“This is my fight. I’m trying to fight with the Russians this way. This is my fight here in Wichita,” said Golyshevska.

If you’d like to help, you can make monetary donations to the GoFundMe, or you contact her by email to arrange physical donations of more necessities like diapers and clothes.

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