Of course, there was much more to it than that, and other business to get done. Issa’s best friend Molly (Yvonne Orji), after her own series of up-and-down relationships, finally married Taurean (Leonard Robinson), following a bittersweet road to that outcome with the loss of her mother.
There was another melancholy moment at the wedding, when Issa frets about whether their bond would survive the change in Molly’s status, a common concern as people watch friends take such leaps in their 20s and 30s.
“Insecure” operated on two levels, focusing on the specific challenges faced by its characters while presenting an image of Black life too seldom seen on television through the years.
“Isn’t it sad that it’s revolutionary?” Rae said at the time. “We don’t get to just have a show about regular Black people being basic.”
The result of those efforts was a finale that managed to be appropriately low key and still satisfying, much like a season punctuated by college reunions, breakups, loss, and career decisions, through the prism of characters the audience had come to know for all their quirks and, yes, insecurities.
“People come into your life for a reason,” Issa says at one point during the finale.
TV shows come to life for all kinds of reasons, but it’s generally the small details that keep them alive. In that sense, “Insecure” offered one last demonstration of having mastered the basics of being, well, basic.