This Republican governor wants to move on from Donald Trump

Despite finishing up his second term as governor of Arkansas — and having done stints in the US House and the Bush administration before that — the Republican is not nationally known.

But that may well be changing, as Hutchinson appears open to the possibility of not just running for president in 2024, but also doing so as a voice who believes that the Republican Party must move on from Donald Trump.

“I’ve made it clear: I think we ought to have a different direction in the future,” Hutchinson told Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “I think [Trump] did a lot of good things for our country, but we need to go a different direction.”

Hutchinson added that a run for president in two years is “on the table” and Trump’s own plans are “not a factor in my decision-making process.”

Now, there is a very big difference between running for president and having a chance at winning.

Poll after poll of the potential 2024 field suggests that Trump would start the GOP primary race as an overwhelming favorite.

And the other possible contender who generally garners substantial 2024 support — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — is effectively running in the likeness of the former President.

At present, it would seem as though Hutchinson — or any other Republican running against Trump in 2024 — would be, effectively, political cannon fodder.

Which doesn’t mean that a Hutchinson campaign would be pointless. If you believe, as he clearly does, that the turn toward ultranationalist populism within the GOP is not in its long-term interests, then running a presidential campaign in which you say, well, exactly that has some real purpose.

His candidacy would be that of a credible conservative who was elected in a decidedly Republican state and simply believes that Trump does not (or at least should not) represent the future of the Republican Party.

That positioning puts Hutchinson at — or near — the front of the line of conservatives like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Larry Hogan, all of whom are seen as potential Trump protest candidates in 2024.

The Point: Hutchinson is an intriguing figure. He’s hard to caricature as a “Never Trumper” or someone just looking to make a name for himself. While winning the GOP nomination looks like a major long shot, Hutchinson might be able to influence the direction of the party going forward.

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