If you’ve received one of the 24,000 warnings from the Delaware Department of Transportation for speeding in the I-95 construction zone, your grace period is almost up.
Starting on Monday, these violations will come with a price.
“Our objective here is not for people to get tickets,” said DelDOT spokesman C.R. McLeod. “The objective here is for people to drive safely.”
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Since the speed cameras rolled out in January, McLeod reported a 10% reduction in speeds in the work zone. He also noted a 37% decrease in crashes compared to the same time last year.
The penalties for speeding remain the same as when the program was first introduced. Fines are based on how far above the 45 miles per hour speed limit a car is traveling, and no points are added to driver’s licenses.
The fees, which begin with a base violation of $20.00 and an additional amount for each mile per hour over the posted work zone speed limit, will be used to fund the program and support other traffic safety initiatives.
To help travelers understand the fine, DelDOT used the example of a violation for going 58 mph in the work zone. The speed violation itself is $20 plus an additional $13 – $1 for each mile per hour over the 45-mph posted work zone speed limit – but don’t forget about those “other fees” from the Delaware Code, bringing your total to $74.50.

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In an effort to not “penalize people unfairly,” McLeod said that if a driver is caught speeding but did not receive a violation during the three-month trial period, they will still only get a warning for their first offense.
“By and large, people are observing (the speed limit) and slowing down,” McLeod said. “We just ask that people continue to do that.”
Send story tips or ideas to Hannah Edelman at hedelman@delawareonline.com. For more reporting, follow them on Twitter at @h_edelman.