While it is useful to remind the American people of the benefits of the ACA, there is a more important message to deliver — and Biden did so with the necessary intensity. Rather than just praising what Democrats accomplished through the ACA, the President explained how Republicans could undermine those gains and leave Americans worse off — a framing his Democratic colleagues would be wise to take note of.
“We need to keep up the fight,” Biden said. “Mr. President, since you signed the law, (our Republican colleagues) haven’t stopped for one second. Multiple court challenges, you mentioned sabotage from the previous administration (and) over 70 attempts to repeal the law by Republicans in Congress.” He concluded, 12 years later, the GOP have “not stopped their attack on this life-saving law.”
Knowing that Obamacare is a complex law few people fully understand, Biden offered clear examples of what would be lost if the bill were repealed. He said, “(i)t means 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by the insurance companies.” Biden also emphasized that tens of millions of Americans, including young people under 26 who might no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance plans, could lose coverage — and premiums, he added, “are going to go through the roof.”
Indeed, you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.
Biden’s messaging — and tone — mark a crucial shift in Democratic strategy, one which acknowledges the lived reality of American voters.
Many Democrats seem to think they can prevail if voters can just see what a great job they have done. However, voters will not listen to a message of the party’s accomplishments.
When your opposition is willing to lie about you, the least you can do is tell the truth about them. And, on Tuesday, Biden told the truth about the GOP and their record on health care. Democrats should build a campaign message around the threat Republicans pose rather than seek an attaboy from people who are in no mood to thank anyone.
The red tide was so vast, it swept away my beloved Texas governor, Democrat Ann Richards, who was unseated by George W. Bush. I recall speaking to Richards after her defeat, as I began to strategize for Clinton’s re-election campaign. She told me to remember that “the American people don’t give a damn about your precious accomplishments.”
Richards was right. People expect political leaders to do their jobs, and telling them you did a great job when they are struggling with inflation and high gas prices only frustrates them even more. But, if you tell them the other party is even worse — and if they get into power things will really spiral down — well, perhaps, then you’ve got a fighting chance.
Of course, a fighting chance requires Democrats to actually fight. With his old pal and partner beside him on Tuesday, Biden finally began to lace up his boxing gloves.