American Red Cross, Petersburg Fire and EMS install more than 165 fire alarms in homes

PETERSBURG, Va. (WRIC) — The American Red cross and the City of Petersburg Fire and EMS installed more than 165 smoke alarms in neighborhood homes for free Saturday.

On Saturday, March 23, the Red Cross partnered with Petersburg Fire and EMS to install more than 165 free smoke alarms in 83 homes located in Kenilworth and the western Farmer Street area.

According to a spokesperson for the Red Cross, Petersburg was this year’s signature city for the Virginia Region’s Sound the Alarm initiative which works with localities to reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by house fires by installing free smoke alarms.

On Wednesday, March 20, the Red Cross worked with 16 volunteers from Reynolds Community College School of Health to hang door tags in the neighborhoods where alarms would then be installed Saturday.

The Red Cross and Petersburg Fire and EMS were joined by other partners including Petersburg City Councilman Arnold Westbrook and representatives from the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Burn Center.

According to a spokesperson for the Red Cross, the fire alarm installation event made about 200 individuals in Petersburg safer.

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