What is the significance of Super Tuesday? Here’s all you need to know.

Approaching is one of the pivotal days in United States election calendar. Scheduled for March 5, ‘Super Tuesday’ anticipates the participation of millions of voters who will cast their ballots in presidential primaries and caucuses across over a dozen states.

The election agenda includes races for both chambers of the US Congress— the House of Representatives and the Senate—along with various other contests.

While President Joe Biden faces minimal opposition within the Democratic ranks and is virtually assured of securing the party’s nomination, the Republican presidential nomination race on Super Tuesday may mark the conclusion of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s campaign.

As the last significant contender challenging the frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, Haley’s efforts have struggled to undermine Trump’s firm control over the party.

Here’s all you need to know about Super Tuesday

When is Super Tuesday?

This year, it falls on Tuesday, March 5.

What is Super Tuesday?

Super Tuesday stands out as the day when the largest number of states conduct their presidential primaries and caucuses, serving as a crucial milestone in the electoral process. In these state-level competitions, candidates affiliated with the two major political factions, namely the Democrats and the Republicans, strive to amass the necessary delegates to secure their party’s endorsements.

Delegates play a pivotal role as representatives of their respective states at the party conventions, where they cast votes for the nominee based on the outcomes of the primaries and caucuses.

In the upcoming Super Tuesday races this year, a substantial 874 Republican delegates will be in contention, constituting approximately 36 per cent of the total available. To clinch the Republican nomination, a candidate must secure a minimum of 1,215 delegates out of the overall 2,429.

On the Democratic front, Tuesday’s Super Tuesday holds sway over 1,439 delegates out of the party’s total count of 3,979, emphasizing the significance of these contests in shaping the path toward the Democratic nomination.

Which states in US are voting on Super Tuesday?

Super Tuesday will see voting taking place in fifteen states across the United States:









North Carolina







The territory of American Samoa will also be voting.

What is the origin of the term Super Tuesday?

The origins of the term are somewhat unclear, with indications pointing back to at least 1976 when ‘Super Tuesday’ referred to the final significant primaries in June—California, New York and Ohio. However, it is widely accepted that ‘Super Tuesday’ took its modern form in 1988.

In that year, a coalition of Democrats in southern US states opted to front-load the presidential primary process following Republican President Ronald Reagan’s decisive victory four years prior against Democratic candidate Walter Mondale. Their strategy involved holding simultaneous primaries early in the election cycle, aiming to exert greater influence on their party’s selection and ensure the nominee’s viability in the American South.

Despite the unsuccessful outcome of the 1988 initiative, Super Tuesday persists as the day when a majority of US states conduct their primary elections.

What is the significance of Super Tuesday?

The significance of Super Tuesday lies in the allocation of approximately a third of each party’s delegates, crucial in determining their respective presidential nominees.

A robust performance on this day can inject vitality into a presidential campaign, attracting increased financial support and building momentum. Conversely, a lackluster outcome can halt a campaign’s progress abruptly.

Caitlin Jewitt, an associate professor of political science at Virginia Tech, highlighted the importance of robust funding, organisation and name recognition for candidates to fare well across the diverse states participating on Super Tuesday. The simultaneous nature of the contests intensifies the need for candidates to exhibit strength on multiple fronts.

The aftermath of Super Tuesday often solidifies a frontrunner, leading to the withdrawal of many other contenders from the race. In the 2020 Democratic race, for instance, Joe Biden’s impressive showing on Super Tuesday, securing victories in 10 states, propelled him into a two-man competition with Senator Bernie Sanders.

Watch: Preparations ahead of US elections

In 2016, Texas Senator Ted Cruz faced disappointment on Super Tuesday, while Donald Trump exceeded expectations, setting the stage for his eventual presidential victory that year. This demonstrates the potential for candidates to gain significant momentum from a successful performance on Super Tuesday.

What anticipations can be made for this year’s presidential primary contests?

A lackluster performance in the Super Tuesday contests could spell the end of Haley’s 2024 Republican nomination campaign, as polls consistently indicate her trailing behind Trump in all Republican competitions on that crucial day. Caitlin Jewitt remarked that the races might not be as “super” this year due to their one-sided nature.

Despite its diminished importance in this election cycle, Super Tuesday remains significant for Haley, possibly marking her last opportunity to make an impact. 

Overall, expectations are relatively clear, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump anticipated securing their respective nominations, minimizing the likelihood of surprises on Super Tuesday.

Haley, who has faced substantial defeats against Trump in earlier state contests, has expressed her intent to persist in the race at least until Super Tuesday. However, her plans beyond that point remain uncertain, stating, “I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden” after a primary loss in South Carolina on February 24.

When can we expect the results for Super Tuesday?

The results will begin to trickle in once polls close in each state and territory. Typically, that is around 7pm local time or later.

(With inputs from agencies)

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