Delaware Institute for Arts in Education supports students, teachers

Our students are back in the classroom and so are we at Delaware Institute for the Arts in Education (DiAE).

Slowly, but surely, things are beginning to appear more “normal,” with a cautious return to extracurricular activities.

We are all finding ourselves in a tenuous space, shifting yet again from one approach to another. As we return to this once-normal place, which now seems new, the challenges for learning are more apparent and critical.

As teachers will tell you, there are major gaps to overcome and transitions to mitigate.

For many students, extended months of being isolated, disconnected from their peers and left to their own devices have slowed them academically and socially. Teachers are finding these challenges exhausting and daunting. There are only so many hours in a day and they face a shortage of resources, staff and support. The idea of doing or taking on one more thing feels daunting, if not impossible.

Two fifth grade students at Silver Lake Elementary School are flanked by Twin Poets- Wilmington City Councilman Al Mills and his brother DE State Representative Nnamdi Chukwuocha. Students are holding 'Homework for Breakfast,' a new book written by Twin Poets and illustrated by Phillips-Pendleton.

What if that one more thing was just the thing to energize, support and create that sense of community in the classroom and beyond? As a nonprofit based in Wilmington, serving the state of Delaware, this is exactly what we at DiAE provide. Supporting teachers, engaging students and infusing the curricula with diverse, high-quality arts programming, we are helping to build community through cross-disciplinary learning, partnerships with professional artists, arts and cultural institutions and our friends in schools, school districts and early learning centers.

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