Jussie Smollett has been released from jail pending an appeal of his conviction

The appeals court order, entered on Wednesday, says Smollett “shall be released from custody … upon posting of a personal recognizance bond (I Bond) in the amount of $150,000.”

A personal recognizance bond in Illinois means that a person is released on the condition that they will attend all required future court proceedings, usually without having to pay any money.

Smollett’s defense filed an emergency motion last week arguing he would be “irreparably harmed” if he serves a sentence for convictions that may be reversed, adding that he will likely serve his jail time before the completion of his appeal.

The attorneys added that exposure to Covid-19 is a serious risk because Smollett is immunocompromised.

The court granted the attorneys’ motion to delay his sentence and grant him bond until their appeal of his conviction has been decided on, reasoning that it would be “unable to dispose of the instant appeal before the defendant would have served his entire sentence of incarceration.”

In their response filed Wednesday, prosecutors vehemently disagreed with the defense’s reasoning, arguing that there is “no emergency that warrants the extraordinary relief” of delaying Smollett’s sentence while his appeal is pending.

“Mr. Smollett asserts that he is entitled a stay because he will most likely serve his short, 150-day jail sentence before his appeal on the merits is decided,” part of the response read. “According to this logic, every defendant sentenced to a term of imprisonment less than a few years would automatically receive a stay pending appeal.”

Smollett had an outburst in court last week

Smollett was found guilty in December on five counts of felony disorderly conduct for making false reports about what he said was an anti-gay and anti-Black hate crime.
The actor, who is Black and gay, told Chicago police that two unknown men attacked him on one January 2019 night, yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him, poured bleach on him and wrapped a noose around his neck. But investigators said they determined the actor orchestrated the attack and paid two brothers he knew from the Fox drama series to stage the act for publicity.

Smollett maintained his innocence under oath during his trial.

But during last week’s sentencing, Cook County Judge James Linn told Smollett, “You’re not a victim of a racial hate crime, you’re not a victim of a homophobic hate crime. You’re just a charlatan pretending to be a victim of a hate crime.”

The judge spoke for more than half an hour during the proceeding, telling the actor that while many people vouched for Smollett and his character and asked the judge for a lenient sentence, Smollett’s premeditation in the act he orchestrated was an “aggravating factor” in the case.

“You do have quite a record of real community service,” the judge said Thursday. “I’m mindful of pleas of mercy, particularly from people that are in the arena.” But, ultimately, the judge said, this act showed Smollett’s “dark side.”

Following the announcement of his sentence, Smollett addressed the judge, saying “I did not do this,” before turning to the court and exclaiming he was not suicidal, and that “if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself. And you must all know that.”

The judge ordered Smollett to be held in protective custody “by Mr. Smollett’s request and this court’s recommendation,” CNN previously reported.

On Friday, the actor was being housed “in his own cell, which is monitored by security cameras in the cell and by an officer wearing a body worn camera who is stationed at the entrance of the cell to ensure that Mr. Smollett is under direct observation at all times,” the Cook County Sheriff’s Office said, stressing that the actor was not being held in solitary confinement.

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