Biden Says It’s ‘Self-Evident’ That Trump Supported an Insurrection

President Biden said on Wednesday that it was “self-evident” that former President Donald J. Trump had supported an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, but that the courts would decide whether he should be on the ballot in 2024.

The president was responding to a reporter’s question about the Colorado Supreme Court decision on Tuesday that said that Mr. Trump was disqualified from being on the 2024 ballot in the state’s Republican primary because he was part of an insurrection.

“Not going to comment on it,” Mr. Biden said after landing in Milwaukee for a speech to the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce.

And then he did.

“It’s self-evident. You saw it all,” Mr. Biden said, adding that it would be up to the court to decide whether Mr. Trump was in violation of the 14th Amendment, which says that acts of insurrection can disqualify someone from office.

“But he certainly supported an insurrection,” Mr. Biden said. “No question about it. None. Zero.”

Mr. Biden typically steers clear of talking about Mr. Trump’s legal culpability or any of the federal charges pending against him.

Mr. Trump has denied that he incited the Jan. 6 riot. His campaign said it would appeal Tuesday’s decision, which applies only to Colorado, to the U.S. Supreme Court. But the court could end up answering the question for all 50 states.

Mr. Trump has been the Republican front-runner for the nomination for months, despite the long list of criminal charges he faces in multiple investigations.

On Wednesday, Mr. Trump called the indictments against him “political” and “fake.”

The Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case that could complicate and delay the election interference case against him in Washington.

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