China asked Russia to delay invasion; Odesa braces for Russian navy onslaught

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Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here’s what you need to know to start your day …

CHINA, RUSSIA DEAL? – Chinese officials in early February asked Russian officials to wait until the Winter Olympics in Beijing had concluded before sending troops into Ukraine, U.S. officials said, according to a report. Continue reading …

JOINING THE FIGHT – With the Russian military at their doorstep, everyday Ukrainians are stepping up to fight for their freedom, their democracy and their land. Continue reading …

PUTIN’S NEXT TARGET? – The Moldovan ambassador to the U.S. said his country is prepared to defend its borders if Russia or Belarus were to invade. Continue reading …

ODESA PREPARES –Russia’s invasion of Ukraine hasn’t reached Odesa, the country’s third-largest city, but Vladimir Putin’s navy was headed there Wednesday night. Continue reading …

‘PATTERN OF WEAKNESS’? – White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was mocked after pointing out that Biden was VP last time Russia decided to invade Ukraine. Continue reading …



TALE OF TWO PRESIDENTS – President Biden’s State of the Union address was greeted lukewarmly. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s speeches won international praise. Continue reading …

HARRIS’ ‘ASSIST’ – Vice President Kamala Harris was seen mouthing some words after President Biden mixed up Ukrainians and Iranians in his first State of the Union speech. Continue reading …

PERDUE GOV. RUN – Former Sen. David Perdue said the reason he entered the gubernatorial race was because he doesn’t think Gov. Kemp can win in November. Continue reading …

HAND WRINGING – Political commentators and others were baffled by Nancy Pelosi’s moment of “bizarre” applause during President Biden’s State of the Union address. Continue reading …

‘WORD SALAD’ – Kamala Harris was mocked on social media for one of her latest post-State of the Union interviews on Wednesday. Continue reading …


PUTIN TARGET? – Russian journalist quit her state-TV job after condemning the Ukraine invasion now wonders if she could be targeted over the decision. Continue reading …

BOEBERT FIRES BACK – Rep. Lauren Boebert criticized President Biden for not taking responsibility for 13 deaths during the Afghan withdrawal. Continue reading …

HANNITY BLAMES BIDEN – FOX host criticized President Biden saying he didn’t pay enough homage to the 13 U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan. Continue reading …

MILITARY BREAKDOWN – Fox News host Bill Hemmer and Bill Whittle examined the various military machines the Russians are using to attack Ukraine. Continue reading …

OIL OUTRAGE – Rep. Victoria Spartz, born in Ukraine, said President Biden and Democrats must stop indirectly funding Russia’s Ukraine invasion by buying oil. Continue reading …



ARTHUR HERMAN – Inspiring. That’s the word for what we’ve seen and heard on social media and TV of the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. Continue reading …

LT. COL. ROBERT MAGINNIS (RET.) – Like it or not America is at war with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. It doesn’t matter if the Kremlin tyrant is irrational, ill or crazy – the West faces a credible threat beyond the carnage in Ukraine. Continue reading …

LESLIE MARSHALL – President Biden gave his State of the Union address Tuesday. I, like many Americans, watched to listen, to learn, and to come away with something better for the future. Continue reading …

RONNA MCDANIEL – The American people are hurting right now. Groceries and gas are more expensive, our streets are less safe, and our kids have suffered through two chaotic years. Continue reading …

PETER NAVARRO – Some of the best chess masters in the world have come from Russia, and Putin is frequently compared to one. Continue reading …



HOLLYWOOD SANCTIONS – Major players in Hollywood are taking swift action of their own to condemn President Vladimir Putin’s actions. Continue reading …

KENTUCKY MOM – Colleen Thompson of Fort Thomas told Fox about her family’s desperate efforts to help orphans in Ukraine get out of the country safely. Continue reading …

NYC FUNDRAISER – New York City-area Ukrainian-American business owners and community leaders are raising money to support their embattled countrymen. Continue reading …

CHELSEA SALE – Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich succumbed to growing pressure to sell English soccer club Chelsea FC over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Continue reading …

KANYE THREATENS PETE – It appears Kanye West is sending a not-so subtle message to his estranged wife’s new boyfriend, Pete Davidson. Continue reading …



What’s it looking like in your neighborhood?  Continue reading…


“Well, the truth is, they’re [the Biden administration] just not good at governing. They can’t read the room, meaning America, and they don’t even really want to be in the same house as the rest of us.”










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This edition of Fox News First was compiled by Fox News’ Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Friday.

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