9-year-old accidentally shoots, kills 6-year-old, Florida police say

In another instance of a child getting a hold of a gun inside a home, a six-year-old was accidently shot in the head by a nine-year-old on Monday afternoon in Jacksonville, Florida.

The six-year-old was taken to a hospital but died, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

“Initial investigation determined the two juveniles were located inside of the residence in the care of an adult,” Stronko said. “One of the juveniles was able to obtain a firearm and fired a single shot striking the victim. There is no indication of criminal violence.”

Assistant Chief J.D. Stronko said it was too early in the investigation and couldn’t say where the gun had been or who it belonged to. He said he could not describe the relationship between the two children due to the state’s Marsy’s Law.

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