Wimbledon officials warn against use of quiet room for sex. Know about the controversy

Wimbledon Tournament organisers have issued a warning, stating that the quiet room, a secluded space near Court 12, designated for prayer and meditation should not be used by couples seeking sex, media reports said. As per witnesses, the quiet room has been reportedly misused for personal enjoyment by couples, causing dismay among visitors. Sally Bolton, Chief Executive of the All England Lawn Tennis Club, emphasised the significance of the quiet room, referring to it as a “sanctuary” and urged individuals to respect its intended purpose while speaking on the first day of the tournament. 

Bolton reiterated that the space should be used for prayer, meditation, and even breastfeeding. But she underscored the need for proper usage of the quiet room. “It’s a really important space. So, we will be retaining it and we’ll be making sure that people are using it the right way.” she said adding, “If people need space to go to pray, it’s the quiet space for that. There is an opportunity to breastfeed in there. But, we are looking for it to be used in the right way.”

Previous incidents of misuse

During the previous year’s tournament, spectators witnessed couples emerging from the rooms behind court 12 with “sheepish” expressions. 

Witnesses described encounters involving individuals, leaving no doubt about the sexual activities taking place inside the quiet room. Reports of “sounds of intimacy” coming from the rooms also surfaced, raising concerns about the misuse of the designated quiet space.

The incident prompted comparisons to the “mile high club” associated with intimate encounters on airplanes, leading to the tongue-in-cheek term “Wimbledon high club.” 

The official access guide for Wimbledon in 2023 describes the quiet room, located in the Southern Village, as a serene sanctuary where guests can engage in prayer, meditation, or simply be present in the moment. The guide emphasises the peaceful nature of the space and its intended use.

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In Wimbledon, the courts are assigned numbers, with the lower numbers indicating greater significance for the matches held on them. The tournament consists of 18 grass courts specifically designated for the Championships, as well as 20 additional grass courts for practice.

Additionally, there are eight American Clay courts available for use. Notably, Centre Court and Court 1 are equipped with retractable roofs, allowing matches to continue even in unfavorable weather conditions.

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