Former president under arrest in Miami

Bart Jansen, Josh Meyer, Miles J. Herszenhorn, Marina Pitofsky, David Jackson, Phillip M. Bailey, Rachel Looker, Sarah Elbeshbishi and Candy Woodall

MIAMI−Donald Trump arrived at the federal courthouse in Miami for his historic arraignment as the first former president to face federal criminal charges, flanked by Secret Service agents and shepherded in a motorcade of black SUVs signaling his previous station.

Trump has proclaimed his innocence and was expected to plead not guilty to 37 counts including keeping national defense records after leaving the White House and conspiring to obstruct justice by hiding them.

The presiding judge, Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman, prohibited video recording or photos of Trump inside the courthouse, under a local rule. The blackout contrasted to coverage of his New York arraignment in April, when hallway video showed him entering the courtroom and photos showed him at the defense table with his lawyers before he pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records.

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