European Union seeks India’s support on UNGA resolution against Russia

The European Union has sought India’s support on a resolution that will be taken up at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday. The demarche was presented by European Union envoys to the Ministry of External Affairs on 15 February seeking New Delhi’s support on the resolution. The debate on the resolution starts on Wednesday and will be carried out on Thursday as well.

The western backed resolution reiterates demand Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally” withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, and calls for a “cessation of hostilities”.

The Resolution co-sponsored by more than 50 countries, a substantial number from Europe “deplores” the “dire human rights and humanitarian consequences of the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine”.

India so far at the United Nations has abstained on all resolutions when it comes to Russia -Ukraine conflict. A meeting was held under the Indian Presidency of United Nations security council in December of last year in which Indian Ambassador to UN Ruchira Kamboj called “immediate cessation of hostilities” emphasizing on “dialogue and diplomacy”.

The European Union’s ambassador in an interview to WION said engagement on these issues continue with New Delhi.

Meanwhile, French Diplomatic sources seeking Indian support for the resolution said, “at this stage we still don’t know what will be the position of the (Indian) government”, but also pointed “we have a very candid discussion with them (India).” “The UNGA draft resolution has been discussed will all our partners in order to accommodate their concerns,” they added. 

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