How to exempt 2021 unemployment benefits from Delaware income taxes

For the second year in a row, Delaware taxpayers will be exempt from paying state income taxes on their unemployment benefits.

Gov. John Carney on Thursday signed legislation introduced by Rep. Ed Osienski on the 2021 tax break. Osienski, a Newark Democrat, sponsored a similar bill last year.

Since March 2020, Delaware has seen unprecedented unemployment levels. Between March 2020 and last December, the Delaware Division of Unemployment paid 107,195 people more than $1.5 billion in benefits. In 2019, the state paid out $67 million, according to a press release about the bill.

While the economy and daily life have tried to creep back to normal, unemployment persisted through last year. The state received 103,380 unemployment claims in 2021 compared to 175,387 claims in 2020. 

This year’s tax exemption is expected to cost the state about $25 million over two years, according to an official financial analysis of the bill.

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