Lost, lost and FOUND: After four years, US woman finds her luggage back

About 700,000 people lost and mishandled bags at the major US airlines in the first quarter of 2022. Every year millions of bags are lost at the airports worldwide and a very few thousand find their way back to where they belong. 

But in a shocking incident that smashes the not-so-unrealistic stereotypes about airlines misplacing people’s bags, a woman in the United States found her luggage after four years.

April Gavin, a resident of Oregon state in the US, travelled to Chicago for a business trip via United Airlines years before the Covid nightmare hit the world. She took her flight to Chicago in 2018. While returning, the airline lost her luggage.

After four years, the suitcase was found in the Central American country of Honduras, New York Post reported.

Gavin recently took to TikTok to share how her luggage was misplaced by the airline in August 2018. She claimed that after “month and months” of trying to retrieve her bags back, the airline finally told her that they had “no idea” where it was. The airline then partially compensated for the luggage loss.

This week, however, the surprise mascquerading as shock took place for April Gavin.

Gavin said in her TikTok video that she received a call informing her that the lost bag had turned up in Houston, Texas after a detour from Honduras.

The suitcase was slightly damaged but the items in it were safe.

“All of a sudden, I get a phone call from Houston, Texas, saying that they found my luggage, and I was confused,” April Gavin said in her tiktok video, New York Post reported.

“The airline thought it was a typo that it had been missing for four years. It was in Honduras. And who knows where else it went. But it came from Honduras. Went to Houston, Texas”, she added.

She thanked United Airlines after getting her luggage back, saying, “It’s like Christmas opening up all my stuff. I cannot believe that this suitcase has been traveling around for four years, went to Honduras, finally made it back to me, and it looks like almost everything is still in it. So, thanks United.”

An official from United Airlines said, “We are very pleased to resolve this case after all this time”, the New York Post report added.

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