Biden’s support among African-American voters dwindles

US President Joe Biden and his Democratic Party may be on thin ice as his approval ratings among US voters continue to crash. To add to Biden’s woes. It has now been observed that Biden’s support among African-American voters is dwindling. In a survey carried out by Pew Research Center, it has been revealed that Biden’s approval rating among African-American voters has gone down by 7 per cent since September last year.

In September last year, 67 per cent of African-Africans approved Biden’s performance. But now only 60 per cent feel so. African-American voters traditionally vote for Democratic Party and a big dent in this vote bank may prove to be problematic for the party

Percentage of White voters supporting Biden has also seen a decrease. The number has gone from 37 per cent to 33 per cent. Biden’s support among Hispanic (52%) and Asian (55 voters) has remained somewhat unchanged.

When Biden took office after 2020 US Presidential Elections, there was a palpable feeling of relief in and outside USA as Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump was seen as an isolationist leader with a slant towards the right-wing. After he took office, Biden did a course correction of US foreign policy and reentered agreements and understandings with allies.

However, Biden’s stature took a massive hit after America’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan. The regime America propped up for two decades collapsed in matter of weeks and US had to rely on the Taliban’s help to get own citizens out of the country.

Biden’s handling of the Covid pandemic in US, especially his vaccine mandates have been divisive issues.

Midterm elections are due to be held in November this year. It is being predicted that Democratic Party may face a heavy defeat in US Congress. If this happens, it will be even harder for Biden to push his legislations through Congress.

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