Iran: Rising smoke seen from Evin prison videos posted online

Iranian videos posted online on Saturday (October 15) showed smoke rising from Iran’s Evin prison. The prison holds political prisoners. Gunshots and an alarm could be heard. There was no immediate comment from Iranian officials or any report from state media.

“Gunshots can be heard from Evin Prison and smoke can be seen,” said the activist website 1500tasvir, which also shared video footage.

Reuters said that it was able to confirm the location from the buildings and scenery seen in the video which matched file and satellite photography of the area. However, the news agency said that it was not able to confirm the date of the video.

“Families of prisoners have gathered in front of the main door of Evin prison,” said a witness contacted by Reuters. “I can see fire and smoke. Lots of special forces. Ambulances are here too.”

Siamak Namazi, an Iranian American imprisoned in Iran for nearly seven years on espionage-related charges rejected by Washington as baseless, returned to Evin on Wednesday (October 12) after being granted a brief furlough, his lawyer said. Other dual nationals are also held at Evin.

The prison mostly holds detainees facing security charges. It has long been criticised by rights group. It was also blacklisted by the US in 2018 for “serious human rights abuses”.

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