85% of Omicron hospitalisations did not have booster vax in England: Report

Official records show that over four-fifths of Omicron patients in England’s hospitals have not received their booster doses.

In its weekly monitoring update, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) verified the toll, saying 608 out of 815 hospitalised patients infected with the ultra-infectious variety were not triple-jabbed.

According to the DailyMail, a fifth of the people were not immunised.

Meanwhile, health officials released new data showing that booster vaccinations can reduce the incidence of Omicron-related hospitalisation by up to 88 percent.

According to the findings, even with two doses, the probabilities were reduced by up to 72 per cent up to nearly six months after the jab.

The recent findings, according to Health Secretary Sajid Javid, “confirmed” the value of vaccines in saving lives and preventing serious illness.

Ministers increased the booster push with the goal of reaching 1 million vaccinations per day by the end of the year, in order to ensure that every eligible Briton has their third vaccination before the end of the year and prevent the NHS from being overburdened this winter.

Despite numbers showing that 9.5 million eligible individuals in England had yet to receive the booster shot, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson boasted about meeting the objective. 

(With inputs from agencies)

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