With the holiday driving season fast approaching and people fitting in those last-minute vacations, the Delaware State Police and insurance companies are ramping up efforts to remind drivers to take necessary precautions before taking to the roads.
“Not just in Delaware but throughout the country, we’re seeing a problem with speeding and distracting driving as well as problems with substance abuse, whether that’s prescription medication, illicit drugs or alcohol,” said AAA Mid-Atlantic’s Ken Grant. “It’s a national problem.”
Grant, who manages public and government affairs for AAA in Delaware, also said many state roads and highways have seen significant rebounds post-pandemic. He especially noted congestion and speeding concerns in the I-95 construction zone, which recently started enacting fines in April.
Senior Cpl. Leonard DeMalto, a spokesman with Delaware State Police, echoed similar sentiments as Grant, saying many drivers are coming into the state, including visitors.
To get you ready for safe travel into or through Delaware, Grant and DeMalto shared some tips on how motorists can maintain their vehicles and drive responsibly.
Wear your safety belts
Always buckle up and make sure your passengers are wearing theirs too. The number of crashes with people ejected from their vehicles has increased nationally at a significant rate due to drivers not wearing seat belts, according to Grant.
The Delaware Office of Highway Safety and police take seat belt safety very seriously. If it’s not worn properly, a driver can receive a $25 fine in addition to court costs up to $83.50.
FOR SUBSCRIBERS:No more warnings: Starting Monday, speeding in I-95 construction zone comes with a price
Slow down
The higher your speed, the less time you have to stop your vehicle if things wrong.
In order to maintain complete control of your vehicle, you must slow down, follow the speed limit and obey all traffic rules.
Plus, adjusting your speed follows Delaware law, which states that a driver is required to pay fines for speeding violations in the amount of $20 for a first offense and $25 for a second subsequent offense.
Don’t drive under the influence
A night out at the bar can be fun but always make sure you have a safe ride to and from your destination. If you decide to drink, eliminate drunk driving and use ride-share services such as Lyft or Uber. DUI and DWI penalties can consist of fines, jail time, or revocation of your license, according to state code.
“Do not drink and drive and do not do drugs and drive — these are just some of the basics,” Grant said. “I think we would see a significant reduction in the number of crashes if this happens.”

In 2021, Delaware DUI statistics reported 42 impaired driving fatalities, accounting for 30% of total fatalities.
Put down that cell phone
Keep your eyes on the road. That means no texting, no calls, and no checking your email while behind the wheel. If you have hands-free connectivity like Bluetooth in your car, it can be OK — but ideally, the best advice is to not use your cellphone at all.
A 2020 study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that crashes involving distracting drivers killed 3,142 people.
Practice defensive driving

One key to driving safely is patience and defensive driving.
This means providing other vehicles ample room for switching lanes, especially for out-of-town drivers who are not familiar with the roadways in Delaware.
Have a tip or story ideas? Contact local reporter Cameron Goodnight at cgoodnight@delawareonline.com, or by calling or texting 302-324-2208. Follow him on Twitter at @CamGoodnight.