COLUMBUS — Two adults, three cats and five kittens from rescued from an apartment building fire Wednesday morning, according to the Columbus Fire Department.
Firefighters responded to two adults trapped on the second floor of the apartment building on the 800 block of Reed Street. Columbus Police Department told CFD the two adults were located in an upstairs window and that the only exit had been blocked by the fire.
According to CFD, firefighters deployed a portable ground ladder to the second floor of the building. They were able to help a man and a woman get out of the building, said CFD.
Photo Provided / Columbus Fire Department
The man and the woman were both injured and were assessed at the scene, said CFD.
CFD said additional firefighting crews arrived and climbed an exterior wooden staircase that lead to the apartment to direct streams of water onto the flames.
Photo Provided / Columbus Fire Department
As the fire reduced, firefighters continued the extinguishment and entered the ground level of the apartment, CFD said. As they searched the apartment, CFD said firefighters located 3 adult cats and 5 kittens.
Photo Provided / Columbus Fire Department
According to CFD, firefighters were able to successfully remove each pet from the apartment and reunite them with their owners after being assessed.
Columbus Fire Chief Andy Lay said, “Our Police Department did a fantastic job of relaying critical information to our arriving firefighters as to the location of the trapped persons. When our firefighters completed the rescue, Columbus Regional Health Emergency Medical Service was right there to address any medical or transport needs.”